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Write strategy optimization analysis pattern generator
Model DVR-V/S
model DVR-S

Model DVR-S

Technology innovation of optical disk and write method is radical. This R&D pattern generator allows analysis and selection of optimized write pattern for laser diode relative to the optical disc material. Output patterns are defined to 64 NRZI signals, up to 400Mbps data rate. Pulse width and delay time are variable while running, down to 100ps resolution.

  • Data rate: 400Mbps (Type -V), 132Mbps (Type-S)
  • Output patterns are defined to 64 NRZI signals.
  • Patterns and timings are editted on PC screen.
  • Timing resolution of pulse width and delay: 100ps (-V), 500ps (-S)
  • Easy to edit write strategy pattern
  • Pattrens defined to internal NRZI signals (-V)
  • Patterns defined to external NRZI signals (-S)