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Have you had an experience your skirt clung to you?
Haven't you feel a electric shock when you open the car or hotel door?
Are you bothered about crackling sound when you take off your sweater?

All these are tricks of static charge.
If opposed polarity charge is generated on the wears, they are pulled each other, but if same polarity charge exist on the wears, they are pushed.
This is the reason of clinging.

If electro-static discharge (ESD) occurs when static charge moves the other objects, electrical shock, crackling sound or spark is detected.
The biggest natural ESD is lightning.
Though not as big as lightning, ESD does unknown mischief.

Isn't your PC or other electronic instrument frozen by the unknown reason?
Most of the reasons are ESD.
It may not cause terrible problems though you start it again if you are enjoying you hobby, but it will cause big problem if you are handling very important or large volume information.