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In general, the friction between isolator and isolator or isolator and metal naturally generates static charge most frequently. If metal is not grounded, it will be charged as well (This is true in the following cases).


This is similar to above triboelectricity. When a thin sheet is peeled off the insulated portion of the electronics devices, static charge is generated. This does not naturally occur very often, but does occur often in the production line of the electronics equipments, and may cause big damages. To remove a protection sheet from LCD display is one of the typical example.

 Field induced charging 

There are occasions static charge is generated though two objects are not contacted as above. If a charged object moves against other object, static charge of the other object will be increased or decreased. This is called as a field induced charging. The moving charged thundercloud charges neighboring clouds because of field induced charging.

 Damage examples of ESD 

It is almost true to think that unknown reasons of the electronic equipment failures are because of ESD. But in the production lines of the components used in these electronic equipments, yield decreases by degradation or damage by ESD and field failure rate of these components is increasing.