[Large-sized LCD] ESD Simulator Model LCD700E

Test & Measurement Technology

ESD Simulator Model LCD700E Large-sized LCD Series

ESDシミュレータ モデルLCD700E 大型モジュールシリーズ

The Model LCD700E is to zap large LCD panel module.

The maximum zapping area is 400 mm x 400 mm.





  • Meets every standard such as JEITA, ESDA, JEDEC
  • 2 waveform, HBM and MM
  • Zapping time may be decreased down to 1/10 of the predecessor by high speed zapping
  • Maximum voltage up to 4.5kV or 8kV(Option)
  • ESD common can be switched by programm
  • ESD waveform can be met customer specific or published standards
  • Remote programming, control and data log possible by LAN connection




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